NIH Clinical Center Statement

Statement from the CEO: The NIH Clinical Center Remembers

Portrait of Dr. Norvell “Van” Coots
Dr. Norvell "Van" Coots

On Friday, June 21, the NIH Clinical Center staff pause to mourn the recent tragic death of Dr. Norvell "Van" Coots who served as a member of the Clinical Center Research Hospital Board (CCRHB) for the past three years and as the Chair of the CCRHB for the past two.

It is probable that many staff members did not know Dr. Coots personally although he was very familiar with the noble mission of the NIH Clinical Center and the excellence of the staff who make certain that mission is fulfilled every day. Van took the time to make a complete tour of the Clinical Center before beginning his responsibilities on the CCRHB and kept apprised of all developments as time passed.

As CCRHB chair, his board meetings were lively and energetic. He kept board members engaged and interested.

Van leaves behind a wife, Claudia, and two high school age children. He was only 65 years old.

The NIH Clinical Center lost a true multi-dimensional friend last week, but Van would be among the first to remind us that the Clinical Center Mission goes on and is larger than any single leader. We honor his legacy by continuing the pursuit of excellence in providing care to the patients, our partners in the clinical research enterprise.

Dr. James Gilman

Clinical Center News: Clinical Center Mourns Passing of Board Chair Dr. Norvell Coots

NIH Clinical Center CEO Dr. James Gilman Remembers Dr. Norvell "Van" Coots (video)

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This page last updated on 06/28/2024

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