Ling, MD
Staff Clinician
Dr. Alexander Ling is a staff clinician in Radiology and Imaging Sciences.
SB, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MD, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Ling trained in diagnostic radiology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He has since been immersed in body imaging at the NIH Clinical Center, performing and interpreting a range of body imaging studies, participating in collaborative research with several institute constituents, and serving on the Radiation Safety Committee. His interests include various aspects of oncologic imaging, dynamic methods, and computer applications, recently including morphometry.
Dwyer AJ, Ling A, Frank JA, Vucich JJ: Application of Computer Spreadsheet to Teaching and Evaluation of Fundamental Physical Principles of MR Imaging. Poster presentation, Radiological Society of North America November 29-December 4, 1987.
Black WC, Ling A. Is Earlier Diagnosis Really Better? The Misleading Effects of Lead Time and Length Biases. AJR 1990;155:625-630.
Frank JA, Ling A, Patronas NJ, et. al. Detection of Malignant Bone Tumors: MR Imaging vs Scintigraphy. AJR 1990;155:1043-1048.
Hill SC, Damaska BM, Ling A, et. al. Gaucher Disease: Abdominal MR Imaging Findings in 46 Patients. Radiology 1992;184:561-566.
Ling A, Avila NA, Dwyer AJ. Effect of Pitch and Heart Rate on Retrospectively-gated Helical CT for Coronary Artery Calcification Assessment. Radiological Society of North America November, 2000.
Timmers HJ, Kozupa A, Chen CC, Carrasquillo JA, Ling A, et al. Superiority of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography to other functional imaging techniques in the evaluation of metastatic SDHB-associated pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. J Clin Onc 2007; 25:2262-9.
Timmers HJ, Carrasquillo JA, Whatley M, Eisenhofer G, Chen CC, Ling A, et al. Usefulness of standardized uptake values for distinguishing adrenal glands with pheochromocytoma from normal adrenal glands by use of 6-18F-fluorodopamine PET. J Nucl Med. 2007;48:1940-4.
Zelinka T, Timmers HJ, Kozupa A, Chen CC, Carrasquillo JA, Reynolds JC, Ling A, et al. Role of positron emission tomography and bone scintigraphy in the evaluation of bone involvement in metastatic pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: specific implications for succinate dehydrogenase enzyme subunit B gene mutations. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2008;15:311-23.